Last update: Version 3.6.0 – January 5, 2022
Click Mag is the only magazine/blog theme you need to maximize clicks and keep visitors flooding back to your site. From its various social sharing options, trending posts, maximum ad exposure, SEO optimization, and attractive design, Click Mag will deliver the best user experience and clicks of any WordPress theme you’ve ever used!
More Key Features
One-Click Demo Import – Quickly set up the theme like the demo with the One Click Demo Import plugin!
Video/Audio Posts – Easily replace the standard featured image in posts with embedded video or audio from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud.
Retina Ready – The theme and its images look sharp and crisp on retina-ready devices!
800+ Google Fonts – Use any of the over 800 Google Fonts to set the fonts for the general text, navigation menu text, Featured Posts & Headlines, article title, and headings.
Unlimited Ad Units – Click Mag takes full advantage of available ad space to give you a myriad of options to place your ads. The ad units include a main leaderboard area with adjustable height and width that can accommodate any size ad, a similar leaderboard ad unit displayed below each post, an Ad Widget that can accommodate 300px wide ads of any height in the sidebar as well as any size leaderboard ad in the homepage widget area. Click Mag also comes with dyanamic ad units within the homepage widgets that can accommodate 300px wide ads of any height.
RTL Ready – With access to over 800+ Google fonts and a built-in RTL feature that lets you switch the stylesheet to RTL with the click of a button, it has never been easier to set your site to RTL.
Unlimited Colors – Easily change the colors of the main background, navigation background/text, the primary theme color, and links to any color from within the Theme Options.
7 Custom Widgets – Click Mag gives you the flexibility and ease of use to display your content the way you want it without altering any code with our custom widgets.
Complete List of Features
- Compatible with WordPress 5.9+
- SEO Optimized
- RTL Ready
- Google AMP Ready
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Translation ready (contains .po/.mo files)
- Child Theme ready
- Comes with XML dummy data (posts, tags, categories, menus, dummy images)
- Easy implementation with Google Adsense ads
- WordPress Featured Image support
- WordPress Custom Background support
- WordPress Custom Menu support
- Unlimited Colors
- Youtube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud integration
- Rich Snippets
- Custom Fly-Out Navigation
- Woocommerce compatible
- bbPress compatible
- Infinite Scroll
- Custom Theme Options panel
- Custom CSS section in Theme Options so users will not lose custom changes to CSS when you update to a new version
- Full-Width Posts
- Megamenus
- Facebook comments support
- Built-In Disqus comments support
- Free lifetime updates
- Easy logo customization
- 800+ Google Fonts
- Threaded comments
- Ability to turn Featured Image on posts on/off
- Ability to turn social buttons on posts on/off
- Optional Caption/Photo Credit below Featured Images in posts
- Custom copyright/footer text
- Custom favicon
- In-depth documentation
- And much more!
MVP Themes takes pride in its support! If you have any questions related to the setup of Click Mag that are not covered by the theme documentation or if you run into any bugs with the theme, please submit a ticket at the MVP Themes Support Center.
Unfortunately, MVP Themes cannot perform customization work for each of our customers, so Click Mag comes “as-is”. Any customization you would like to make to the theme outside of fixing bugs will need to be done by you or a third party.
v3.6.0 – January 5, 2022
- Fixes social icons not displaying properly on some pages
- Fixes Google AMP errors
Affected files: amp-single.php author.php single.php style.css
v3.5.0 – November 18, 2021
- Updated Font Awesome to latest version and includes TikTok social site buttons
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /font-awesome /widgets/widget-pop.php archives.php catgeory.php fly-menu.php footer.php functions.php page.php page-fullwidth.php page-home.php search.php share-drop.php (new file) single.php style.css
v3.4.1 – August 15, 2021
- Fixes bug with comment reply button.
Affected files: comments.php style.css
v3.4.0 – June 10, 2021
- Adds ability to use shortcodes in all ad areas
Affected files: /widgets/widget-ad.php functions.php header.php single.php style.css
v3.3.0 – March 13, 2021
- Allows comments on AMP pages without clicking comment button
- Removes Google Plus from social links
- Fixes various javascript-related bugs
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /css/amp-style.css amp-single.php fly-menu.php footer.php functions.php style.css
v3.2.0 – September 1, 2020
- Fixes bug with video embeds after WordPress 5.5 Update
- Fixed bug with comments caused by WordPress 5.5. update
Affected files: functions.php style.css
v3.1.0 – February 15, 2020
- Fixes bug with Google AMP Pages
- Updates Google AMP Plugin to latest version
Affected files: amp-single.php style.css
v3.0.0 – July 19, 2018
- New Feature! – Now Google AMP Ready
- Updates Theia Post Slider to latest version (2.0.0)
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /css/amp-style.css /css/amp-media-queries.css amp-fly-menu.php amp-single.php functions.php style.css
v2.1.0 – April 5, 2018
- Adds One Click Demo Import compatibility
- Fixes bug with footer menu
Affected files: All files in /import/ folder functions.php style.css
v2.0.0 – November 11, 2017
- NEW FEATURE! – Adds RTL compatibility
- Updates theme with PHP7 compatibility
- Fixes bug with structured data on video posts
- Fixes bug with order of Post Gallery images
- Updates retina.js file
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /css/rtl.css /css/media-queries-rtl.css /js/retina.js /widgets/-widget-ad.php /widgets/-widget-authors.php /widgets/-widget-catlist.php /widgets/-widget-facebook.php /widgets/-widget-pop.php /widgets/-widget-taglist.php /widgets/-widget-tags.php functions.php single.php style.css
v1.09.0 – May 24, 2017
- Adds ability to set number of “More” posts under each article
- Fixes WooCommerce bug caused by retina function
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /js/retina.js functions.php style.css
v1.08.0 – April 27, 2017
- Makes theme compatible with WooCommerce 3.0
- Resets widget postdata
- Updates Reviewer Plugin to latest version (3.14.2)
- Updates Theia Sticky Sidebar to latest version (1.7.0)
- Updates Theia Post Slider to latest version (1.14.0)
Affected files: /widgets/widget-catlist.php /widgets/widget-pop.php /widgets/widget-taglist.php functions.php style.css
v1.07.0 – March 29, 2017
- Adds “advertisement” designation above all ad areas
- Reduces left margin on posts for resolutions lower than 1300px
- Fixes conflict with Theia Sticky Sidebar affecting certain ads
- Fixes minor bug with homepage blog column layout
- Fixes bug with column layout on archive pages
- Fixes bug with Wallpaper Ad on larger resolution screens
- Fixes bug with loading of Infinite Scroll posts on homepage
- Fixes bug with Woocommerce and image lightbox with header ad
- Updates Theia Post Slider to latest version (1.13.0)
Affected files: /css/media-queries.css /widgets/widget-ad.php archive.php author.php ctageory.php functions.php page-home.php search.php sidebar.php sidebar-home.php style.css
v1.06.1 – January 29, 2017
- Fixes bug from previous update that caused posts to repeat on homepage
Affected files: page-home.php style.css
v1.06.0 – January 24, 2017
- Removes Video and Gallery tabs from homepage if no posts video/gallery posts are present
- Fixes bug with social buttons in footer on mobile
- Fixes minor bug with primary color
- Updates Theia Sticky Sidebar to latest version (1.6.3)
Affected files: /css/media-queries.css functions.php page-home.php style.css
v1.05.0 – December 7, 2016
- Adds gallery icons to Related Posts and More Posts areas
- Adds option to remove the “More Posts” from the bottom of posts
- Adds Featured Posts layouts from the homepage to the category pages
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php category.php functions.php single.php style.css
v1.04.0 – November 22, 2016
- Adds link to author page in author box on posts
- Adds link to images in column blog layout
- Fixes bug with logo on flyout menu
Affected files: fly-menu.php page-home.php single.php style.css
v1.03.0 – October 28, 2016
- Adds Featured Posts 3 layout
- Fixes bug with Wallpaper ad
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /css/media-queries.css functions.php page-home.php style.css
v1.02.0 – October 21, 2016
- Adds Full-Width Posts Option and alternate location for Featured Image on posts
- Updates Theia Post Slider to latest version (1.12.0)
- Fixes bug with Disqus on SSL sites
- Fixes bug with Font Awesome fonts in child theme
- Fixes bug with title for posts with the Featured 2 Layout when featured image is hidden
- Fixes styling bug with image caption
- Fixes bug with removal of social sharing buttons on posts
- Fixes bug with flyout menu
- Fixes bug with responsiveness of Featured Posts 2 layout
Affected files: /css/media-queries.css functions.php header.php single.php style.css
v1.01.0 – October 10, 2016
- Adds social sites to fly-out menu
- Adds Child Theme
- Updates XML Data
- Updates styling of Tag Cloud Widget
- Fixes bug with dropdown menus with Large Logo layout
- Fixes bug with link color in Megamenu
Affected files: /widgets/widget-tags.php fly-menu.php functions.php style.css
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