Organic Web Shop – The WooCommerce Eco Theme


Organic Shop WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Organic Web Shop is a Premium eCommerce WordPress Theme with WooCommerce Webshop integration that offers you a wide variety of easy to use customisation options and features. It is perfect to sell all sorts or organic and eco and farm products like food, fruits, cosmetics, seeds, fruits, coffee and more!

WooCommerce ready
Responsive Design
Visual Composer
Slider Revolution
Theme Option Panel
Multilingual ready


Main Features:

  • WooCommerce ready
  • $53,- in Premium Plugins included for free!
    • Revolution Slider
    • Visual Composer
  • Responsive Design (Optimised for Tablets and Smartphones)
  • Extended Footer with widget area
  • Extensive theme option panel to change the appearance with no coding
    • Unlimited colors
    • Custom Background image
  • Clean Design
  • Additional shop menu
  • Multilingual with .mo & .po files included
  • Themedemo files included to get the themedemo up and running in 5 minutes
  • Fully responsive to have a optimised website for Smartphones and Tablets
  • Extensive documentation
  • Extensive Shortcodes
  • Sticky menu
  • Right-To-Left (RTL) support
  • Premium support forum
  • And much, much more!

Theme Option Panel:

Organic Web Shop comes with an extensive theme option panel that allows you to select from an unlimited number of colors, change the background image, the logo, the favicon, set the number of columns for the footer and the extensive footer. Furthermore you can easily link to your social media network profiles.
To see an screenshot of the customisation panel and dive into all the options you can easily customise click here


  • WooCommerce 3.x compatible!
  • Multiple Images per Product
  • Create variable products to offer e.g. different sizes, volumes, etc per product
  • Multiple Payment options like: PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer, Cheque Payment, Cash on Delivery
  • User Login and Order Tracking
  • User review system
  • Customer coupon codes / vouchers
  • Currency converter (requires WPML licence)
  • Cart layer with Ajax


Try the mobile version! Scan the QR code to jump directly to the demo on your mobile device.
QR Code


Support for all our themes and templates is conducted through the Colibri Interactive support forum only.
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Support for all our themes and templates is conducted through the Colibri Interactive support forum only.
Grab your Item Purchase Code and your envato user name and get as much support as you need!

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See changelog for further details.

### v3.2.1 ###
- Fix: Fixes an issue with the product widget
### v3.2 ###
- Feature: WooCommerce 3 compatibility improved
- Smaller UI bugs fixed
### v3.1 ###
- Feature: WooCommerce 3.0+ compatibility improved
### v3.0 ###
- Feature: Catalog mode added. Hide price and cart buttons and display products only
- Feature: Shadow of productbox can be disabled
- Feature: Bordercolor of productbox can be set
- Feature: Backgroundcolor of inputfields can be set
- Feature: Extended footer color can be set
### v2.6.3 ###
- Fix: MiniCart link in thumb fixed
### v2.6.2 ###
- Feature: Discover Credit Card icon can be displayed as gateway
- Fix: MiniCart link fixed
### v2.6 ###
- Feature: TGMP updated
- Feature: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6.4 improved
### v2.6 ###
- Feature: WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility improved
- Feature: Visual Composer Plugin updated to 4.12
- Feature: Revolution Slider plugin updated to
- Fix: Misc minor fixes and updates
### v2.5.1 ###
- Feature: Visual Composer Plugin updated to
- Feature: Revolution Slider plugin updated to 5.2.5
### v2.5 ###
- Feature: Productdetails can be displayed fullwidth
- Feature: Maximum number of related products to show can be set
- Fix: Various UI improvements
### v2.4 ###
- Feature: Related products listing added
- Feature: UI of payment gateways improved
- Feature: Height of the product meta area can be defined in pixels
- Fix: Variable product supports custom attributes
- Fix: Hover size issue with checkout button fixed
- Fix: Misalignment of 'Add to Wishlist' text fixed
- Fix: UI of "Added to cart" message on stream page improved
- Fix: Font of 'TOP' button improved
- Fix: UI improvements for Firefox (e.g. :focus outlines removed)
- Fix: Many minor fixes & improvements
### v2.3 ###
- Feature: TGMP adds theme setup plugins
- Feature: WooCommerce compatibility with 2.5
- Feature: VisualComposer 4.9.2 added
### v2.2.1 ###
- Feature: Visual Composer updated
### v2.2 ###
- Fix: Some productlinks had issues to be opened on touch devices
- Feature: WooCommerce file version updated
### v2.1 ###
- Fix: Default MO and PO file updated
- Fix: 'Back to top' button fixed
- Fix: Disabled product categories are always hidden
- Fix: Category grid view optimised
- Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3.13 improved
- Fix: Responsiveness optimised
- Feature: Visual Composer updated to version 4.6.2
### v2.0 ###
- New: Long price mode
- New: Background Cover Mode
- New: Products can be browsed in grid or listview
- New: Optional header background color
- New: Optional header shadow
- New: Optional header fullwidth & boxed header
- New: Product variant labels added
- New: Short description text added to product detail page
- New: Product upsell added
- New: Product crosssell added
- Feature: Pagetitle structure improved
- Feature: Display of product categories on shop stream page improved
- Feature: Various responsive design improvements
- Fix: Implementation of translation improved
- Fix: Misc small fixes & improvements
### v1.5.1 ###
- Fix: Librari & Plugin update to fix a XSS vulnerability
- Fix: Improves compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3.8
### v1.5 ###
- Feature: RevSlider can be used on page templates: fullwidth, sidebar right, sidebar left, portfolio
- Feature: Payment gateway icons in the footer are disabled by default
- Fix: Amount arrows of the amount field on the product detail page in Firefox fixed
### v1.4.1 ###
- Feature: Visual Composer 4.4.2 added
- Fix: Improved compatibility with PHP version 5.2 and below
- Fix: Improved implementation of icon font
- Fix: UI of WC Product Search Widget improved
- Fix: Version number of WC files updated
- Fix: Minor fixes
### v1.4 ###
- Feature: Compatibility with VisualComposer 4.4 added
- Feature: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3 added
- Fix: Responsiveness of images and images with captions improved
- Fix: UI of comment section improved
- Fix: Mobile Menu improved
- Fix: Misc fixes and improvements
### v1.3 ###
- Feature: Error 404 Page added
- Feature: Displaying product categories can be disabled on product stream page to use longer product titles
- Feature: Optional shop design without product images (images can be disabled)
- Feature: Text color and Background color of infobox can be set via customise panel
- Feature: Icons improved for HiDPI displays
- Feature: Number of products per page can be set in customization area
- Fix: Double SKU issue fixed
- Fix: UI for active filter improved
- Fix: Minicart 'View Cart' button UI changed according to cart layer button
- Fix: Translation improved
- Fix: Price calculation with/without tax improved
- Fix: Footer background image fixed
- Fix: Misc fixes for RTL version
- Fix: Misc fixes and improvements
### v1.2 ###
- Fix: ChildTheme compatibility improved
### v1.1 ###
- Feature: Stickymenu added
- Feature: Layout of product meta improved
- Fix: Fontsize of single product pricetag improved
- Fix: Cart widget in sidebar improved
- Fix: Interface of productsearch fixed
- Fix: Searchpage with no results fixed
- Fix: 'Not sufficient rights' issue for TGMPL Lib on WP multisites fixed
### v1.0 ###
- Initial release


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