“Apartment Management System” or “AMS” is a web-based responsive application that help to manage your multiple apartment.
“Apartment Management System” is the best software for managing highly customizable multiple apartment, flat, building or any kind of real estate properties. It will help you to control whole apartment in your hand at a glance.
This Application has 5 steps dashboard like Super Admin Dashboard, Admin Dashboard, Apartment Owner Dashbaord, Employee Dashboard and Tenant Dashboard. Admin can controll all and Owner can Monitor his/her tenant all activity with building information. Employee can check building activity. Tenant can add complain, rent statement etc.
If you manage an apartment it will give you full flexibility. It can handle all apartment calculations and reporting with all flexible settings.
You will be really impressed when you use it Beacause it has smooth operation, user friendly interface, full of functionality and compatible features.
“Apartment Management System” is built by PHP, Mysql, Javascript, jQuery and Ajax. Fully Responsive Application.
- Built for apartment, useful for any building management.
- Super admin can create multiple building and assing admin for each building.
- Multilangual, super admin can create multiple language file and upload file from admin panel.
- admin can manage full apartment.
- Employee can check salary, manage complain with reports.
- Tenant can check rent statement, manage complain with reports.
- Owner can manage his/her apartment with reports.
- Fully responsive.
- Suitable for all platforms.
- Extremely flexible interface.
- Admin can send sms and email notification to employee, tenant and owners.
- Admin can assing tenant complain to any employee and after solved they can update status.
- Admin rent due and paid invoice.
- Admin fund invoice.
- Admin quick available room checking.
- Whole apartment management system at your fingertips.
- Smooth operation, user friendly interface, full of functionality and compatible features.
- Expandable, customizable and fully supported by us!
- Clear dummy data action.
- Full of features.
Change Log
= 3.0 = * Improved Design. * Improved tenant complain system. * SMS and Email notification. * Upload language file system. * Email template. * Admin quick navigation system. * Admin quick available room checking. * Admin rent invoice due and paid. * Admin fund invoice. * Clear dummy data option. * Fixed some bugs. * Added.
= 2.0 = * make php 7+ compatibility. * Improved login security. * Added tenant complain system. * Added meeting history. * Added building rules. * Added tenant, employee and owner diffrent notice board system. * Super admin can add multiple currency. * Added employee leave request and admin can accecpt that with report also. * Changed design and added more widget. * Improved report system. * Fixed some bugs. * Added.
= 1.0 = * Launched the initial version.
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