All SaaS features and all Payment Gateways (Paypal | Stripe | Mollie | Braintree | Paystack | Razorpay | BankTransfer | Coinbase) are available with Regular License. Start you SaaS Business Today!
Cloud Polly let’s you to create your own business which allows to turn any text into lifelike speech, allowing you to create various media content such as audio books, podcasts, voice contents and also applications that talk, and build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products. Cloud Polly’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) service uses advanced deep learning technologies of leading cloud service providers such as ElevenLabs, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud to synthesize natural sounding human speech, you can register with any one of them or with all of them at once. With over 1300+ different lifelike voices across more than 146 languages and dialects, you can build speech-enabled applications that work in many different countries.
In addition to Standard TTS voices, Cloud Polly offers Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Most of Cloud Polly’s Neural TTS technology also supports unique speaking styles depending on the cloud vendor that allow you to better match the delivery style of the speaker to the application: Example: a Newscaster reading style (AWS/Azure) that is tailored to news narration use cases, and a Conversational speaking style (AWS/Azure) that is ideal for two-way communication like telephony applications.
Enjoy convenient usage of SSML tags to add various voice effects, such as adjusting pitch, volume, speed, emphasis, word or phrase beep outs to name a few. Full list can be found on demo upon selecting respective voices.
Now you can also accept payments in Bitcoin | Bitcoin Cash | Ethereum | USD Coin | Litecoin | Dogecoin | Dai cryptocurrencies via new Coinbase gateway for Prepaid plans.
Online Demo
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Features of Cloud Polly
- Support for over 144+ Languages and Dialects
- Support for over 909+ Different Voices and Accents
- Powered By:
- Amazon Web Services
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud Platform
- IBM Cloud
- ElevenLabs
- Natural sounding voices (Neural TTS)
- Google WaveNet Voices
- Various Combination of Voice Effects for Standard Voices
- Various Combination of Voice Effects for Neural Voices
- Powerful Sound Studio
- Use any of +909 voices in a single Text Synthesize Task
- Mix up to 20 voices in a single Text Synthesize Task
- Process up to 60000 characters in a single Text Synthesize Task
- Multiple Audio Output Formats:
- MP3 (AWS/Azure/GCP/IBM/Elevenlabs)
- WEBM (Azure)
- Store & redistribute speech easily via social media
- Near Real-time text synthesize
- Customize & control speech output
- Optimize Your Streaming Audio
- Adjust Speaking Styles (For Neural Voices)
- Adjust Speech Rate, Pitch, and Loudness
- Adjust Speaking Emphasis
- Pronounce digits/dates/words/abbreviations properly
- Add work/phrase replacement effect
- Mute/Beep Out any part of text/sentence
- Synthesize Large Text directly to your Amazon S3 Bucket
- Store results in:
- Local Server
- Amazon S3
- Wasabi Storage
- Conveniently Share synthesize results or Download
- Full Affiliate/Referral system
- Fully Responsive Interface
- Create Monthly Subscription Plan easily
- Create Various Prepaid Plans easily
- Create Coupons/Promocodes for Prepaid Plans
- Google Adsense Support
- Various Included Payment Gateways:
- Paypal (Online) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Stripe (Online) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Razorpay (Online) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Paystack (Online) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Mollie (Online) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Braintree (Online) (Prepaid)
- Coinbase (Cryptocurrency) (Prepaid)
- BankTransfer (Offline) (Subscription/Prepaid)
- Closely Monitor Monthly & Yearly Incomes
- Closely Monitor Estimated Spending for Cloud TTS Services
- Ready to go SaaS Platform
- One Click Auto Update Option
- Developed with PHP 7.4.x and Laravel 8.4.x
- Detailed and Comprehensive Documentation
- 6 Months Included Support
Cloud Vendor Text to Speech Prices
Please note, for the script to work correctly, you need to have valid AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM accounts (You can use any combination of cloud providers, but at least one cloud provider is required. Only languages and voices of activated cloud providers will be available in the script. To provide access to all +144 languages and +909 voices you need to register with all 4 cloud vendors). It is not a mobile application.
Latest Changes
23.01.2024 - v1.7 - New: Elevenlabs TTS feature added (supports 29 languages) - New: Azure 72 new Neural voices added - New: Azure 2 new languages added (Armenian, Basque) - New: GCP 30 new Neural Voices added - New: GCP 6 new Studio Voices added - New: GCP 66 new Neural2 Voices added
09.10.2022 - v1.6 - New: Yearly plan option added - New: Free tier subscription plan added - New: Send email to admin for support requests added - New: Most popular plan feature added - New: Azure 9 new languages added - New: Azure 56 new voices and samples added - New: AWS 4 new voices and samples added - Update: Pricing plan frontend/backend views updated - Update: Added wasabi setup instructions in the docs - Update: Support for webm audio file merge added - Fix: Mobile view black screen for language/voice select removed - Fix: User/subscriber support/notification menu visibility fixed - Fix: Documentation link fixed - Fix: Amazon S3 Storage issue with audio file merge fixed - Fix: Wasabi storage issue with audio file merge fixed - Fix: DB Backup issue fixed - Fix: Send results to Linkedin in view result removed - Fix: License verification issue fixed
06.05.2022 - v1.5 - New: Powerful Sound Studio (merge files in MP3, OGG, WAV formats) added - New: Text to Speech - mix all +840 voices in a single task feature added - New: Mix up to 20 voices in MP3, WAV, OGG formats (vendor extension restrictions apply) - New: Text file upload feature added - New: GCP support for OGG format added - New: IBM support for OGG format added - New: 9 new AWS voices (9 Languages) added - New: Google Adsense for frontpage added - New: Customer reviews manager added - New: T&C and Privacy pages can be created/edited via admin panel added - Update: AWS/GCP SDK libraries updated to the latest versions - Update: Synthesize up to 60000 characters in a single task has been added - Update: Main Text to Speech page updated - Update: Notifications, Support, All Voices can be hidden/removed via admin panel - Update: Backend voices page updated (grouped by country now) - Update: Frontend voices page updated (grouped by country now) - Update: Complete redesign of Frontend page (converted to landing page mainly) - Update: Removed Conversational speaking style for AWS - deprecated by vendor - Update: Voice avatars added - Fix: Table row sliding issue fixed when minimized fixed - Fix: FAQ Category removed - Fix: BankTransfer Subscription Cancellation issue fixed - Fix: Paypal Subscription Cancellation issue fixed
23.02.2022 - v1.4 - New: 26 new GCP voices for 5 languages & dialects added - New: 68 new Azure voices for 14 languages & dialects added - New: Sample audio files for all new voices added - New: Enable/disable user panel listen mode results download option added - New: Listen only for selected (highlighted) text option added - New: Clear SSML effects option added - Update: User panel listen mode player updated - Update: Audio output formats are visible and dynamically enabled/disabled - Fix: User projects view issue fixed - Fix: SSML match for default voice issue fixed - Fix: Update panel css issue fixed - Fix: Pricing page - hide plan group if no plans created fixed - Fix: Listen mode 412 http error fixed - Fix: Footer overflow css issue fixed
11.01.2022 - v1.3 - New: Demo voice samples added - User Panel - New: Default Language and Voice selection feature added Frontend - New: Default Language and Voice selection feature added User Panel - New: Project Management feature added - New: Frontend FAQ page added - New: Voice names customization feature added - New: Enable/Disable individual voices option added - New: Enable/Disable All Standard/Neural voices per Cloud Vendor option added - New: Auto Update feature added - New: 102 new Azure voices for 51 languages & dialects added - New: 7 new IBM voices for 5 languages & dialects added - New: Custom URL redirection feature added - New: Create Use Cases via admin panel - Update: Invoice default country change updated - Update: Added custom .htaccess file - Update: Frontend live listen player update - Fix: Blog metadata & title SEO friendly now - Fix: Recovery password page view error fixed - Fix: Service Terms & Privacy Policy pages responsive fix - Fix: Backend Text to Speech mobile responsive fix
30.09.2021 - v1.2 - New: Mollie Payment Gateway added - New: Braintree Payment Gateway added - New: Razorpay Payment Gateway added - New: Paystack Payment Gateway added - New: Coinbase Payment Gateway added - Update: Support for custom css file for frontend added - Update: Support for custom js file for frontend added - Update: Admin app login support during maintenance mode - Update: Hide Monthly/Prepaid plan tabs in Subscribe Now tab if no plans were set - Update: Turn on/off support ticket email status sending added - Update: Show fraction digits(2) of the cost in plan prices - Update: Number formatting added for subscription prices - Update: Footer image change option in admin panel added - Update: Footer open website in new page has been removed - Update: User My Payments table updated - Update: Admin All Subscriptions table updated - Update: All TTS Results table updated - Update: All breadcrumb link updated - Update: Default country in registration form can be set via admin panel - Update: Documentation updated - Fix: Frontend contact us email feature fixed - Fix: Plan checkout currency signs fixed (dynamically set via Finance Settings) - Fix: Support ticket generic email address removed - Fix: User notification view fixed - Fix: Synthesized Text Results (Current Day) vendor logo hide fixed - Fix: Referral email invite sending fixed - Fix: Terms & Condition and Policies pages mobile responsive now - Fix: Social OAuth settings fixed - Fix: TTS datatable panel alignment fixed
23.08.2021 - v1.1 - New: Referral/Affiliate System added - New: Wasabi cloud storage support added - New: Offline payment - bank transfer added - New: Google Cloud Platform TTS sample voices added - New: Microsoft Azure TTS sample voices added - New: IBM Cloud TTS sample voices added - New: Frontend layout included with separate page system - New: Blog feature added - New: Sample voices added to frontend - New: Live listen mode added to frontend - New: Dynamically customizable prices added to frontend - Update: Enable/disable vendor logos - Update: Auto play for listen mode added - Update: Set synthesize char limit for free tier users independently from subscribers - Update: Enable/disable neural voices for free tier users dynamically - Update: Add total listen mode results to user profile - Update: Add total listen mode results to user list view in admin panel - Update: Finance dashboard - standard/neural char type split for each cloud vendor - Update: Direct audio result download button added - Update: Currency sign changed dynamically along with system currency - Update: Referral payout request notification added - Fix: App name fix, added support for spaces - Fix: SMTP sender name included and added support for spaces - Fix: SMTP test email sending fixed - Fix: Chart graph step fix in user profile - Fix: Support for float digits added during plan creation - Fix: Footer URL changed to main application domain URL
28.07.2021 - v1.0 - Initial Release
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